USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

An NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

Jennifer Unger, PhD

Co-Leader of the Cancer Control Research Program

Dr. Unger is Co-Leader of the Cancer Control Research (CCR) Program, a professor of preventive medicine, and director of the PhD program in Preventive Medicine / Health Behavior Research at the USC Keck School of Medicine. She is also a project leader and core leader on the USC Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS).  Moreover, Dr. Unger  coordinates the  K-R Grant Club program for faculty members whose research focuses on population science and has oversight on the development and implementation of the CREATE database initiative which tracks current and former trainees at USC Norris. Her expertise includes adolescent tobacco use epidemiology and prevention, as well as psychological, social, and cultural influences on health-risk and health-protective behaviors in diverse populations. Dr. Unger is an associate editor for Journal of Research on Adolescence, Substance Use and Misuse, and Tobacco Regulatory Science. Additionally, she serves on multiple national committees such as the NCI/SRNT Tobacco-Related Health Disparities Network.