USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

An NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center


CCDD Process

We implemented a new process which is uniquely structured for CCDD and managed by theMESH Strategic Partnerships teamto ensure transparency, establish a central point of contact, and reduce redundancies and missed opportunities. 

Process (updated)

Intake Submission and Pitch Preparation

Faculty complete the Submission Form marking the first step in the review process. Faculty can submit ideas whenever they are ready, CCDD’s review is on a rolling basis.  

For projects that are in scope and move forward, faculty will be paired with a MESH representative to: 

        • Understand scientific and technical rationale 
        • Discuss unmet needs and business considerations 
        • Create a path to clinic showing critical inflection points 
        • Develop presentation for EAC review meeting

Not a cookie cutter approach – each innovation is unique and requires iterative dialogue to collaboratively shape a successful path to the clinic. 

External Advisory Committee (EAC) Review

Faculty give short presentation, followed by Q&A.

EAC will rank each project based on 7 criteria:

        • Scientific Rational 
        • Technical Probability of Success 
        • Unmet need and market opportunity 
        • Competitive advantage and differentiation 
        • Fundability – Industry, Venture Capital 
        • Current IP Position 
        • Likelihood of generating high-value intellectual property  


        EAC will provide list of prioritized projects to the IAC.   

Decision to Advance, Project Plan and Partnering

For projects that are advanced, faculty will work collaboratively with: 

        • CCDD team to develop a comprehensive project plan, outlining deliverables, timelines, and budget, while identifying any additional resources needed to get to the next inflection point 
        • Domain experts (i.e. clinicians, population science, regulatory) 
        • MESH to formulate industry collaboration/partnering strategies 

NCCC Director provides final decision on budget requests 

How submit a project to CCDD: 

Please complete the USC Norris CCDD  Submission Form  and return to Melissa Rodgers at Ideas can be submitted any time of the year as CCDD’s review is on a rolling basis.  

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your concept before sending the submission form, please contact Melissa Rodgers

CCDD Partnering Zone

The MESH Strategic Partnerships team will collaborate with the faculty/project teams and prospective external collaborators to formulate partnering strategies that are mutually beneficial. The focus is to: 

    • Build relationships to create long-term value. 
    • Bridge gaps in expertise, resources, and funding. 
    • Encourage partnering discussions at any stage of development. 
Partnering Zone