Dr. Caryn Lerman, director of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares why it’s important for patients to resume cancer screenings during the pandemic.

Dr. Caryn Lerman, director of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares why it's important for patients to resume cancer screenings during the pandemic

September 28, 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer screenings dramatically decreased across the country. Early detection of cancer can improve the chances of survival. By delaying screening, patients are also delaying treatment and putting their health at risk. 

“At USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of Keck Medicine, we are reaching out to our patients, emphasizing the many precautions we’ve put into place to protect their health, such as mask wearing, social distancing and frequent sanitizing of surfaces,” says Lerman. “In the age of COVID-19, it’s important for people to make, and keep, their cancer screening appointments. The coronavirus is not going away any time soon — and neither is cancer.”

To read the full article in the LA Times, click HERE. 

New DNA Sequencing technique may help unravel genetic diversity of cancer tumors

New DNA sequencing technique may help unravel genetic diversity of cancer tumors

June 25, 2020

By Laura LeBlanc

The ability to sequence the genome of a tumor has revolutionized cancer treatment over the last 15 years by identifying drivers of cancer at the molecular level. But understanding the genetic diversity of individual cells within a tumor and how that might impact the disease progression has remained a challenge, due to the current limitations of genomic sequencing. Using a microfluidic-droplet-based single cell sequencing method, USC researchers have simultaneously sequenced the genomes of close to 1,500 single cells, revealing genetic diversity previously hidden in a well-studied melanoma cell line.

The study, just published in Nature Communications Biology, demonstrates the ability of single-cell sequencing to reveal possible evolutionary trajectories of cancer cells.  

“We used this approach to examine a standard cancer cell-line, examined thousands of times by many different labs,” said David Craig, PhD, co-director of the Institute of Translational Genomics at Keck School of Medicine of USC and study author. “What was really surprising here was with this technology we uncovered complexity we did not expect. This line actually consistently became a mixture of different types of cells. Re-examining decades of prior work on this line — now with this new information — we have new insights into tumor evolution.”

Getting a high-resolution view of cancer’s complexity

Currently, the genetic information of a tumor is typically obtained by sequencing millions of tumor cells together, rather than individually. While this method offers a broad view of the genetic makeup of the tissue, it can miss small populations of cancer cells within a tumor that are different from the majority of cells.

With other approaches that analyze the DNA of individual cells, the process is laborious, taking weeks to process just a few cells and requiring resources that most laboratories do not have.

For this study, researchers used an emerging technique called “single-cell copy number profiling.” developed by 10X Genomics with novel analysis methods that integrated these results with those of historical methods.

“Instead of analyzing tissue DNA that is the average of thousands of cells, we analyzed the individual DNA of close to 1,500 cells within a single experiment,” said Dr. Enrique Velazquez-Villarreal, lead author and assistant professor of translational genomics at the Keck School. “Studying cancer at this higher resolution, we can discover information that lower-resolution bulk sequencing misses.”

Their analysis revealed at least four major sub-populations of cells, also known as clones, that are expected to have, at some point during the cancer cell line’s evolution, mutated from the original cancer cell.  

The ability to identify sub-clones in cancer tissue could provide important biological insights into how cancer progresses, how it spreads and why it can become resistant to treatment.

“What if there’s a small population of cells in a tumor that has acquired a change that makes them resistant to therapy? If you were to take that tumor and just grind it up and sequence it, you may not see that change,” said John Carpten, PhD, study author and  Co-Leader of the Translational and Clinical Sciences Program at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chair of the Department of Translational Genomics, Keck School of Medicine, and Co-Director of the USC Institute for Translational Genomics. “If you go to the single cell level, you not only see it, but you can see the specific population of cells that has actually acquired that change. That could provide earlier access to the molecular information that could help define treatment approaches.”

The researchers plan to share their data in the hope that more cancer researchers will focus on single-cell sequencing. They are also using their technique to study genetic diversity in clinical cancer specimens as a way to better understand the early molecular changes that lead to aggressive and tough-to-treat advanced cancers.

About this study

In addition to Craig, Velazquez-Villarreal and Carpten, the study‘s other authors include Shamoni Maheshwari, Jon Sorenson, Ian T. Fiddes, Vijay Kumar, Yifeng Yin, and Claudia Catalanotti of 10x Genomics; and Mira Grigorova of Hutchison-MRC Research Centre, University of Cambridge; and Paul A. Edwards  of Hutchison-MRC Research Centre, University of Cambridge and Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.

This study was supported by 10x Genomics, the Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, and the Department of Translational Genomics at Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California.

Inherited mutation associated with higher prostate cancer risk in African American families

Inherited mutation associated with higher prostate cancer risk in African American families

June 8, 2020

By Laura LeBlanc

For years, researchers have known that men of African ancestry are at greater risk of developing prostate cancer with research suggesting that inherited factors may contribute to their greater risk. 

Now, a new USC study published in European Urology is the first to identify an inherited genetic variant associated with higher risk of prostate cancer in men of African descent that contributes to the clustering of prostate cancer cases within families.

“About 12% of men of African ancestry carry this particular variant in the genome, which increases their risk two-fold. The variant is not found in other populations,” said Christopher Haiman, ScD, co-leader of the Cancer Epidemiology Program at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, study author and Professor of Preventive Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. “But it’s even more common in families with a history of prostate cancer.”

African American men at higher risk

One in six African American men develops prostate cancer in his lifetime. African American men are 1.8 times more likely to be diagnosed with—and 2.2 times more likely to die from—prostate cancer than white men. If a black man’s brother or father had prostate cancer, his risk will be even higher. But until now, there has been no genetic mutation or biomarker doctors could look for to determine if a particular African American man was more likely to get the disease.

While a prostate specific-antigen (PSA) blood test can detect prostate cancer, many of the cancers it detects may not cause harm, while treatment can cause life-altering side effects.

In the study, which is part of the RESPOND African American prostate cancer initiative, researchers looked at 9,052 prostate cancer cases among men of African ancestry. More than 23 percent had this specific genetic variant. The variant was strongly associated with a prostate cancer diagnosis at an earlier age, more aggressive disease, and men with a family history of prostate cancer. In fact 32 percent of the men with prostate cancer who had a family history of the disease carried the variant.

Variant could aid in screening and treatment decisions

This new information may eventually help clinicians identify men who could benefit from early prostate cancer screening and treatment.

“A man of African ancestry comes in and says, ‘Well, I have prostate cancer and I have a family history of the disease. Why?’ Well, now there’s a variant you can test to see if they and their family members carry it,” said Haiman. “This is a marker that down the road may be used to identify African-Americans and their family members who are at high risk and would benefit from more precise, targeted, and earlier PSA screening.”

Researchers believe this variant is one of the reasons why African American men are more likely to get prostate cancer and hope to find out more about the role genetic mutations play in their overall risk.

About this study

In addition to Haiman, the study’s other authors include Burcu F. Darst, Peggy Wan, Xin Sheng, Sue A. Ingles, John Carpten, Mariana C. Stern, David V. Conti, Susan M. Gundell, Loreall Pooler and Lucy Xia of the Keck School of Medicine of USC; Jeannette T. Bensen and James L. Mohler of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Benjamin A. Rybicki and Christine Neslund-Dudas of Henry Ford Hospital; Barbara Nemesure and Anselm J.M. Hennis of Stony Brook University; Esther M. John of Stanford University School of Medicine; Jay H. Fowke of The University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Victoria L. Stevens and Susan M. Gapstur  of the American Cancer Society; Sonja I. Berndt, Meredith Yeager and Stephen J. Chanock of the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health; Chad D. Huff and Sara S. Strom, of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Jong Y. Park, Thomas A. Sellers and Kosj Yamoah of the Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute; Wei Zheng, Melinda C. Aldrich, Peter E. Clark and William J. Blot of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; Elaine A. Ostrander of the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health; Patrick C. Walsh and William B. Isaacs of the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical Institutions; Shiv Srivastava, Gyorgy Petrovics and Jennifer Cullen of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; Adam B. Murphy of Northwestern University; Maureen Sanderson of Meharry Medical College; Dana C. Crawford and William S. Bush of Case Western Reserve University; Olivier Cussenot and Geraldine Cancel-Tassin of CeRePP; Rick A. Kittles of the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center; Jianfeng Xu of the NorthShore University HealthSystem; Zsofia Kote-Jarai, Koveela Govindasami and Rosalind A. Eeles of the Institute of Cancer Research; Anand P. Chokkalingam of the University of California, Berkeley; Luc Multigner, Florence Menegaux, Pascal Blanchet and Laurent Brureau of Inserm; Marie-Elise Parent of INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier; Adam S. Kibel of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Eric A. Klein of the Cleveland Clinic; Phyllis J. Goodman and Janet L. Stanford of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; Bettina F. Drake of the Washington University School of Medicine; Jennifer J. Hu of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Graham Casey of the University of Virginia; Alexander Lubwama and Stephen Watya of the Makerere University College of Health Sciences; Ian M. Thompson Jr and Robin Leach of the University of Texas Health Science Center; Elizabeth T.H. Fontham and Diptasri Mandal of Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Gary J. Smith of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Jack A. Taylor of the National Institute of Environmental Health Services; Kathleen Cooney of Duke University of Medicine.

This study was supported the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health (grants U19 CA148537, U19 CA214253, R01 CA165862, and K99 CA246063). Dr. Burcu F. Darst was supported in part by an award from the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation Los Angeles Founder Chapter.

USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center receives $5 million to advance cancer drug development

USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center receives $5 million to advance cancer drug development

June 29, 2020

Gift supports underfunded pathway translating early research into cancer cures

LOS ANGELES — USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer CenterKeck Medicine of USC and the Keck School of Medicine of USC today announced a $5 million gift from the Rosalie and Harold Rae Brown Charitable Foundation. The gift was received from Harold R. Brown, trustee of the foundation, to create and support the Rosalie and Harold Rae Brown Center for Cancer Drug Discovery within the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The new center, named in honor of Brown’s parents, will focus on accelerating the development of groundbreaking cancer treatments.

“The importance of conducting research to develop more effective and less toxic cancer therapies cannot be overestimated,” says Caryn Lerman, PhD, director of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and associate dean for cancer programs at the Keck School. “This gift will enable us to leverage the talent of USC Norris scientists and dedicated clinicians and ensure that our groundbreaking discoveries move not from bench to bookshelf, but from bench to bedside, transforming cancer care and survivorship for all people.”

Brown, who will celebrate his 90th birthday in August, is a previous donor to USC Norris and graduated from USC with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1959.

“I have been fortunate to do well in business, and now through my efforts as trustee of the Rosalie and Harold Rae Brown Charitable Foundation, want to give back to a cause that is not only personally important to me, but addresses a great need in society, finding a cure for cancer,” says Brown. “Honoring my parents and creating the Rosalie and Harold Rae Brown Center for Cancer Drug Discovery at USC Norris is a rewarding and fitting legacy.”

This gift will have an immediate impact by supporting the development of new clinical trials that build on USC Norris discoveries of the underlying causes of cancer and disease progression. Initial projects will be sharply focused on cancers that disproportionately affect members of the community for whom there are dramatic ethnic and racial disparities, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

“This generous gift will help position USC Norris and the Keck School at the forefront of innovative cancer research and treatment,” says Laura Mosqueda, MD, dean of the Keck School. “It will significantly enhance our mission of finding cures and offering renewed hope for all who are impacted by cancer.”

Steven Grossman named cancer physician in chief of USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

Steven Grossman named cancer physician in chief of USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

August 4, 2020

By Alison Rainey

Keck Medicine of USC has named renowned oncologist and cancer researcher Steven Grossman, MD, PhD, as USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center’s cancer physician in chief. He will step into the role on Sept. 15.  

In this inaugural position, Grossman will provide executive leadership for oncology services, partnering with academic and clinical leaders to advance new models of multidisciplinary care delivery. He will also serve as a professor of medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.

Photo/Courtesy of Steven Grossman

Grossman, an internationally recognized expert in gastrointestinal cancers, is a past recipient of a Research Scholar award from the American Cancer Society, the Kimmel Scholar award from the Sidney Kimmel Foundation and a Howard Temin Award from the National Cancer Institute. 

He previously served as the deputy director and Dianne Nunnally Hoppes Endowed Chair in Cancer Research at Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center, as well as the chair of the division of hematology, oncology and palliative care.  

“We are thrilled that Dr. Grossman will join us,” said Caryn Lerman, PhD, director of USC Norris and associate dean for cancer programs at the Keck School. “His exceptional experience and track record as a clinical and scientific leader will enable us to accelerate our mission of delivering the most innovative, evidence-based care to our diverse patient population.”

Grossman received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University and his medical and doctoral degrees from the University of Chicago. He completed a residency in internal medicine at the Harvard Medical School-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital and completed a fellowship in medical oncology and postdoctoral research training at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.  

“I am truly honored to join USC Norris in this newly created position,” Grossman said. “I am excited to expand USC Norris’ exceptional patient-focused clinical cancer services that provide multidisciplinary care and integrate cutting-edge clinical research at every level of the patient experience.”

Lerman named president-elect of the Association of American Cancer Institutes

Lerman named president-elect of the Association of American Cancer Institutes

June 29, 2020

Caryn Lerman, PhD, director of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, has been elected vice president/president-elect of the Association of American Cancer Institutes, the organization announced Monday.   

Lerman, who’s also a professor of Psychiatry & the Behavioral Sciences, the H. Leslie Hoffman and Elaine S. Hoffman Chair in Cancer Research, and associate dean for cancer programs, begins her two-year term on June 1, 2021.

Prior to taking over at the Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center on March 15, Lerman served as associate dean for cancer programs at Keck School of Medicine of USC. She also was senior deputy director of the Abramson Cancer Center and vice dean for strategic initiatives in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She is recognized for her cancer prevention research that bridges the fields of neuroscience, genomics, pharmacology, and population science.

Lerman joined AACI’s board of directors in 2019. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine and has served as a member of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Board of Scientific Advisors, the National Human Genome Research Advisory Council, and the National Institutes on Drug Abuse Advisory Council.

The AACI also announced that Cornelia Ulrich, MS, PhD, and Robert Winn, MD, have been elected as new board members, and Charles S. Fuchs, MD, MPH, has been appointed to fill the remainder of Dr. Lerman’s term as a regular board member. Drs. Ulrich and Winn will replace outgoing board members Gerold Bepler, MD, PhD, and Timothy L. Ratliff, PhD.

G. Denman Hammond, MD, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics 1923 – 2020

G. Denman Hammond, MD, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics 1923 - 2020

It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of Dr. G. Denman Hammond, at the age of 97.   

Dr. Hammond had a distinguished career as a faculty for the University of Southern California, was highly influential in the establishment of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, and served as its Founding Director. He first joined the faculty at the School of Medicine in 1957 as an assistant professor, was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 1960, and then professor in 1965. His research focused on childhood leukemia and other pediatric malignancies.

From 1960 to 1971, he served as Head of the Division of Hematology-Oncology at Children’ s Hospital, Los Angeles. From 1971 to 1985 he served as an Associate Dean in the School, and in 1971 also became the Founding Director of the USC-Norris Cancer Center and later Research Institute.  Dr. Hammond directed the final phases of the Cancer Center’ s planning and construction, and coordinated the efforts of USC’ s basic and clinical cancer investigators in developing the Center’ s research and care programs.  At the time he was quoted as saying “The essence of a cancer research institute is the intermix of physicians trained to provide very sophisticated diagnosis and care, who can translate basic research findings into better prevention,  detection, or treatment methods. It may take several generations before better information, passed on to the public, can help prevent the many deaths from cancer that occur each year.”   

Donald Feinstein, MD, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, adds that, in fact, “Without Dr. Hammond, there may never have been a USC Norris Cancer Center, and the founding grant money for the Norris would have gone to Harvard.” (See the links below for more on the real story behind the founding of the Norris.)

During this same period of time (1968–1992), he served as Group Chairman of the Children’ s Cancer Group. Dr. Hammond was a member of a number of prestigious local, national, and even international professional societies and held important leadership positions in a number of these.  Further, he served on editorial boards of cancer journals and NIH study sections, held important leadership positions in the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute, and chaired several NIH panels, most notably  as the Presidential appointee to the National Cancer Advisor Board of the NCI as Chairman of the Committee on Cancer Centers from 1975–78 and Chairman of the Committee on Construction from 1979–80.  Dr. Denman Hammond retired from the Keck School of Medicine on June 30, 2006, and has served as an Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics.  

For more information on the history of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Dr. Hammond was interviewed in July 2007 by Keck School Dean Emeritus, Allen Mathies, as part of the USC Living History Project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTquxdK1jJo .  Dr. Hammond’s contribution to the cancer center was detailed in in the USC Living History Project interview with Gordon Cohn, the first public relations director for the cancer center, in minutes 34 through 43 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb8Zag1btbg .

To make a gift in honor of Dr. Hammond, click HERE.