USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

An NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

Translational Development Committee (TDC)

Get expert guidance to translate your discoveries


One of NCCC’s overarching goals is to translate new discoveries towards clinically impactful interventions that improve the lives of our patients. To advance this effort, we have established TDC as a translational resource for our members. TDC provides real-time guidance to NCCC investigators about next steps for translational development of their newly discovered therapeutic targets, biomarker candidates, or enabling technologies.

How it works:

To request TDC feedback, an NCCC member clicks the link below and provides the requested information about their project. The request is automatically directed to TDC members, who confer and respond to the investigator with an email summarizing their recommendations. Subsequently, the dialogue can continue, with follow-up emails as needed between the investigator and the committee regarding new questions or next steps.

Contact Us: 

Amir Goldkorn, MD
TDC Chair

TDC Membership

The committee is comprised of basic, translational, and clinical program leaders at NCCC, with broad experience spanning early to late phase translational development. Current TDC members are:

Amir Goldkorn, MD

TDC Chair

Associate Director for Translational Research, NCCC

Vasiliki Anest, PhD

Chief Innovation Officer, NCCC

Yali Dou, PhD

Associate Director for Basic Research, NCCC

Anthony B. El-Khoueiry, MD

Associate Director, Clinical Research

Photo of Dr. Fumito Ito

Fumito Ito, MD, PhD

Leader, TACS Program, NCCC

Heinz-Josef Lenz, MD

Deputy Director for Research Programs, NCCC