USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

An NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

T32 Training Grants

The T32 Coordinating Committee, initiated by Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC), coordinates the activities among these programs. These NIH-funded programs are briefly summarized here:

T32: Pediatric Cancer Research

This NCI-funded T32 program, led by Dr. Yves DeClerck since 1991, provides support for intensive interdisciplinary laboratory research training for MD pediatricians that extends beyond the completion of a 3-year subspecialty fellowship in pediatric hematology-oncology and prepares them for full-time academic careers in pediatric cancer research. Since its creation, the program has trained 21 MD pediatric hematologist-oncologists of whom 73% are presently working at academic institutions and 25% as physician-investigators. For more information, contact Dr. DeClerck at

T32: Multidisciplinary Cancer Disparities

This new NCI-funded T32, led by Dr. Christopher Haiman, PhD, leverages the longstanding collaboration between NCCC and the University of Hawaii Cancer Center providing a broad experience in training and tools for epidemiological research in cancer disparities. It trains post-doctoral fellows (18 over five years) for independent careers in cancer research, with a focus on cultural, nutritional, lifestyle, and biological factors leading to cancer disparities.  For more information, contact Dr. Haiman at

T32: Environmental Genomics  

This NIH T32, led by James Gauderman, PhD, trains the next generation of scientists (five pre-doctoral and four post-doctoral trainees) in the multidisciplinary field of environmental science that includes exposure science, environmental pathogenesis (gene-environment interactions), and environmental health disparities issues. Fifty percent of the projects supported are cancer-related and led by USC Norris members. Among the 67 trainees who graduated over the last ten years, 20 have an academic position, 18 are still in training (13 are in another research-related role) and 31 are the recipients of a research award. For more information, contact Dr. Gauderman at

T32: Cancer Control & Epidemiology

This NCI T32, led by Mary Ann Pentz PhD and Jennifer Unger PhD, prepares both pre- and post-doctoral trainees for careers in independent research in cancer epidemiology and cancer control. Trainees perform transdisciplinary population science research mentored by NCCC members. For more information, please contact Dr. Pentz at or Dr. Unger at