Trial NC-HEM-14-1

Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, 12-Month Study to Assess Safety and Efficacy of SelG1 With or Without Hydroxyurea Therapy in Sickle Cell Disease Patients with Sickle Cell-Related Pain Crises.

Type: Treatment
Phase: Phase II
Status: Not Open (Closed)
Treatments: Other
Randomized: Yes
USC Satellite Location: None
Defintions of terms and FAQ about clinical trials.
Trial Leaders/Researchers:  Ilene Weitz, M.D.
Other Trial Staff:  Christine Duran, Coordinator, Ibrahim Syed, Coordinator, Melissa Peralta, D.M., Niranjan Bhatt, D.M., Sondra Ortiz, R.N., Teresa Olea, R.N.

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For further information on a study, please contact the Clinical Investigation Support Office at (323) 865-0451, or

To schedule a consultation with the hospital, please call our New Patient Referrals Office at (323) 865-3300.