Trial NC-HEM-07-7

A Phase I/II Study of Immunotherapy with Humanized Anti-CD20 Antibody, IMMU-106 (hA20), in Adult Patients with Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura.

Phase: Phase I/II
Status: Not Open (Closed)
Treatments: Immunotherapy
Randomized: No
USC Satellite Location: None
Defintions of terms and FAQ about clinical trials.
Trial Leaders/Researchers:  Howard Liebman, M.D.
Other Trial Staff:  Christine Duran, D.M., Melissa Peralta, D.M., Sondra Ortiz, R.N., Teresa Olea, R.N.

Staff may log in to see study documents.

For further information on a study, please contact the Clinical Investigation Support Office at (323) 865-0451, or

To schedule a consultation with the hospital, please call our New Patient Referrals Office at (323) 865-3300.