Trial CTSU/NRG-BR003

A Randomized Phase III Trial of Adjuvant Therapy Comparing Doxorubicin Plus Cyclophosphamide Followed by Weekly Paclitaxel with or without Carboplatin for Node-Positive or High-Risk Node-Negative Triple-Negative Invasive Breast Cancer

Type: Treatment
Phase: Phase III
Status: Not Open (Closed)
Treatments: Chemotherapy: Systemic
Randomized: Yes
USC Satellite Location: None
Defintions of terms and FAQ about clinical trials.
Trial Leaders/Researchers:  Janice Lu, M.D.
Other Trial Staff:  Ramona Lujan, Coordinator, Richa Aggarwal, D.M., Grace Facio, Coordinator, Grace Facio, Coordinator, Margarita Carranza, D.M., Laurie De Oliveira, Coordinator, Bartolo Santos, Coordinator, Peter Alexander, Coordinator, Kristy Watkins, Coordinator

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