Trial 4B-17-5

PhII-150 A Randomized, Phase 2 Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Eribulin Mesylate in Combination with Atezolizumab Compared to Atezolizumab Alone in Subjects with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Transitional Cell Urothelial Cancer Where Platinum-Based Treatment is Not an Option

Type: Treatment
Phase: Phase II
Status: Closed to Accrual with Ongoing Follow-up
Treatments: Chemotherapy: Systemic
Randomized: Yes
USC Satellite Location: USC Newport Beach Oncology
Defintions of terms and FAQ about clinical trials.
Trial Leaders/Researchers:  Anishka D'Souza, M.D.
Other Trial Staff:  Cheryl Kefauver, Coordinator, Lagrimas Ilagan, D.M., Amanda Luna, D.M., Bartolo Santos, Coordinator

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