Trial 0S-12-4

USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center - Cancer Genetics Registry.

Type: Other
Phase: Not Applicable
Status: Open to Accrual
Randomized: No
USC Satellite Location: None
Defintions of terms and FAQ about clinical trials.
Trial Leaders/Researchers:  Charite Ricker, Coordinator
Other Trial Staff:  Melissa Woodhouse, D.M., Charite Ricker, Coordinator, Katrina Lowstuter, Coordinator, Christopher Chanock, D.M., Marilena Melas, D.M.

Staff may log in to see study documents.

You may participate in this study if:
1Any individual with multiple primary cancers
2Any individual diagnosed with cancer under age 50
3Individuals with a known hereditary cancer syndrome
4Individuals with features suggesting the diagnostic criteria for specific hereditary cancer syndromes
5Individuals with two or more first or second degree relatives with cancer
6Individuals from families where at least one family member was diagnosed with cancer under age 50

You may not participate in this study if:

For further information on a study, please contact the Clinical Investigation Support Office at (323) 865-0451, or

To schedule a consultation with the hospital, please call our New Patient Referrals Office at (323) 865-3300.